Recruiting Candidates with the Right Cognitive Skills and Personality

When you’re looking to hire quality talent, you can try to attract candidates with more money and better benefits. But the fact is that a good candidate is one who loves his/her job. If you love your job, then you’re bound to perform it well no matter what type of remuneration you’re getting. So the solution is to find someone who loves their job and is good at it, which is easier said than done. Here are certain things you might have to consider:

Does the Candidate Have the Right Personality Type?

The most important thing is to make sure that the candidate has the personality type for that job. For example, if the job entails talking to people a lot, then the candidate should be someone who likes talking to people. But if the job entails being alone a lot, then there is a specific personality type which corresponds to this position. If the person’s personality type doesn’t correspond to the position, then they will probably never be happy at it, and this will make them less productive.

Does the Candidate Have the Right Cognitive Skills?

Cognitive skills are also important, and different people have different types of cognitive skills. One person’s cognitive skills might be more geared towards numbers while another’s cognitive skills might be geared towards picking up subtle social cues which will help them in conversing with people. You can get an idea of someone’s cognitive skills by looking at their education and their past work experience. You can also question them about their strong points when they come in for the interview.

How to Find Someone with the Right Skills and Personality

Sometimes, however, a person’s cognitive skills and personality do not overlap. That might be because that person has not had a chance to develop the skill that they are really interested in. As an employer, the trick is to find someone who has the right cognitive skills and the right personality i.e., someone who loves doing what they do and is also good at it. And then, you need to make sure you give them what they want so that they will stay at your company and put everything they have into it.

How to Attract the Right Candidate to Your Company

Nowadays, many companies are willing to be flexible about many things as long as they get the kind of talent they’re looking for. Some might agree to give the candidate flexible timings. Others might offer them more freedom about the kinds of projects they take on. Believe it or not, a casual dress code and the possibility of working from home might also attract more candidates. The best way to make sure that the candidate gets what they’re looking for is to ask them about it; different candidates might be looking for different things.