Why communication affects everything

At the coffee pot. In the hallways. In the restroom. Via texts that fly through the building.

Communication happens whether you manage it or not. So why bother?

Communication affects your bottom line

In today’s workplace, everyone wants to be in the know and part of the conversation. Companies that ignore their employees’ need to feel informed and connected have lower morale, less collaboration and less innovation.

But companies that focus on strong communication have employees who are happier, more engaged in their work and more productive. And guess what? That creates higher revenue. Totally worth it.

Good communication provides the support for teams and departments to work well together. But how do you manage it?

Creating strong communication in your company

Here are 5 steps:

  • Inform your team consistently about company goals and initiatives. Employees who feel informed about company goals and the steps needed to achieve them can actively push to accomplish them.
  • Highlight how each department contributes to the overall process. Don’t allow departments to feel they are competing or working against each other. Emphasize team building.
  • Define what information each department or person needs and create ways to communicate these points. Name how, when and what information should be shared.
  • Communicate about successes, as well as problems.
  • Make communication two-way. Ask open-ended questions, encourage engagement, and use the ideas or information you get back.

Why it’s important

People who work in teams solve problems and achieve goals faster. If a company wants to gain an edge on its competition, it needs to get its employees working together as a unified team.

And the hallmark of a good team is one where all members feel free to talk, share their ideas and concerns, and feel supported by the group. This goes right back to communication. Successful groups that achieve more than they would as individuals have these traits:

  • Team members are aware of what information each person needs. If anyone is uncertain about their work or misunderstandings arise, these are resolved quickly because everyone feels comfortable asking questions.
  • Team members feel respected and valued by others in the group. Information and ideas flow freely rather than one person directing everyone else.
  • Team members help and support each other when needed. They don’t feel competitive with team members or other departments, but instead feel that they are working together toward a common goal.

Why should managing communication be on every company’s agenda? Because good communication creates unity and enthusiasm for a common goal, and teams that work together do great things.